General Pipe Cleaners’ Metro power drain cleaner has a capacity of 75’ of 5/8” Flexicore wire rope center cable.
July 29, 2014
The Metro features a fold-down handle, power cable feed and guide tube combination, stair climbers, truck loading wheel and tough frame on 10” heavy-duty wheels for easy transport. It can drive and retract cable at up to 20’ per min. with the variable-speed control.
General Pipe Cleaners’ JM-2512 Typhoon trailer jet delivers 12 gal. per min. at 2,500 psi to clean lines of grease, sediment and debris.
May 21, 2014
The JM2512 also has a 200 gal. holding tank, 24 hp Honda engine with electric start and rear fold-down stabilizer jacks. The on-demand Vibra-pulse helps slide the nozzle around tight bends.
General’s Gen-Eye Hot Spot 5-watt transmitter features four trace frequencies and an LCD graphic display to help locate pipe and utilities underground.
February 20, 2014
General’s Gen-Eye Hot Spot 5-watt transmitter features four trace frequencies and an LCD graphic display to help locate pipe and utilities underground.
General Pipe Cleaners’ Gen-Eye Micro-Scope provides the versatility to inspect small drain lines and many toilet traps, or hard-to-reach places such as ductwork, furnaces and crawlspaces.