The Technical Committee Meeting Monographs contain every code change proposal submitted for the 2027 editions of the UPC and UMC as part of the ANSI-accredited consensus code development process employed by IAPMO.
The Water Demand Calculator has been adopted in several states and cities, including California and Seattle, and is expanding peak flow rate calculations into commercial buildings. The future looks bright as version 3.0 is in the works for commercial buildings.
In February, Standards Development Organizations review end-of-year activities. Energy, water systems, refrigerants, and products had a lot of activity in 2023. See lists for new, revised, or reaffirmed standards, standards in development, and withdrawn standards.
Other partners include the World Health Organization (WHO) and DigDeep, with whom IAPMO partners regularly to educate the public and improve sanitary conditions and access to drinking water.
Within the halls of our recent meetings, the RPA community witnessed a defining moment. Committees were not just formed; they were crafted as engines of change.
In my last column, I focused on talking about how engineered plumbing systems were at a crossroads. This month, I would like to discuss some of the emerging trends in plumbing science.