A team of ASHRAE volunteers led a highly successful building campaign to garner support for the renovation project. Thirty-one corporate donors committed more than $9.7 million in monetary support and gifts of equipment and services.
Also included is guidance formulated to help designers retrofit and plan for the improvement of indoor air quality and to slow the transmission of viruses via the HVAC systems as well as new guidance on student health facilities, laboratories, athletic facilities, residence halls, and large assemblies, lectures and theaters.
The award recognizes excellence in volunteer, leadership and service to the organization’s technical committees, technical groups and technical research groups.
Have a look at the rating tables for most finned-tube baseboard sold in North America and chances are you’ll see a footnote under the table that reads something like this: “Ratings are based on active fin length and include 15% heating effect factor.”
Munters' inventions leave lasting impact on the industry
March 1, 2017
The award honors deceased individuals who have made milestone contributions to the growth of the air conditioning, heating, refrigeration and ventilation industry, and have shown evidence of distinction, either technically or academically.