Streamlined for a clean, modern look with an inverted back wall, American Standard’s Greenbrook High Efficiency Urinal is the latest addition to the one-pint flush urinal collection.
Sloan recently launched its designer urinal, which provides a distinct visual edge to the commercial restroom without sacrificing performance, the company states.
As the oldest manufacturer of waterless urinals in North America, Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co., says he has heard just about every question imaginable about the devices.
American Standard’s wall-mounted Pintbrook high-efficiency urinal is constructed of durable vitreous china, operates in the range of 0.125 to 0.5 gpf, and meets CalGreen and CEC compliance standards.
Since the role played by plumbing in the history of modern art in America has largely escaped the attention of its critics, it would be no surprise it has also failed to fascinate its plumbers, who consequently might be intrigued to learn that the most influential work of art of the twentieth century was a urinal.