EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool is the industry standard for measuring and tracking energy performance within commercial buildings, in use by more than 275,000 buildings, which comprise one-quarter of all U.S. commercial building floorspace.
The major trend in the commercial boiler market, which will continue in 2021 and beyond, is the predominance of packaged boilers installed in multiple boiler cascade systems.
The demand for energy-efficient commercial appliances continues to grow — especially as government initiatives continue to promote the use of energy-efficient solutions.
The measure of a heat pump’s heating performance is called coefficient of performance (COP). It’s the ratio of useful heat output divided by required energy input, where both the output and input are expressed in the same physical units.
WaterSense-labeled toilets, faucets, showerheads, urinals, spray sprinkler bodies and irrigation controllers saved more than 968 billion gallons of water.
It’s without question that technology has improved the mechanical world around us. From my smartphone, I can instantly see the health of hundreds of our boiler plants across the country.
ProTerra was chosen as one of four Gold award winners in the Sustainability category by a panel of more than 3,000 senior business executives and academics that were tasked with evaluating a range of high-efficiency home products.
The program also educates homeowners about ways to make their homes more comfortable and efficient, and connects them to qualified contractors and utility incentives.