McLeod will cultivate new relationships and deepen existing relationships with IAPMO’s customer base, collaborate with department heads in the strategic development, planning, oversight and execution of IAPMO's business development strategies.
The most effective leaders understand that leadership is more than just giving orders and dictating how things should be done. It’s about understanding the unique needs of everyone in your company (or department) and finding a way to lead in a fair and compassionate manner.
XOi provides field service contractors and their teams a suite of premium tools for managing and leveraging data from current jobs as well as historical projects, including powerful data collection, virtual support and mentoring, and real, actionable insights.
Scott will help lead and execute Leap Partners’ growth strategy as the company looks toward growing where it already has a presence – Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee – while expanding into new markets to include the Carolinas, north Florida, Georgia and Missouri.
In order to be an effective leader, you need to first understand what leadership actually is. Many people mistakenly believe that leadership is simply overseeing a group or organization. However, there's much more to it than that. Effective leaders possess a number of qualities that allow them to successfully navigate through challenges and inspire others to do the same.
As part of his responsibilities at Sloan, Sambanis will also work as the liaison for the United States Green Building Council and International Well Building Institute, while providing LEED and WELL guidance.