An emergency call led a team to a school with a leaking boiler, which was shut down due to safety concerns. After clarifying the need for urgent repairs, the executive director approved the work. Complications arose from snow and transport challenges, but a friend connected them with a group of young workers willing to help, easing manpower concerns.
We tackled issues at a 1953 apartment complex with a failing steam system, repairing pumps and leaks. This year, we discovered significant deterioration in the 6-inch steel steam main while preparing for its replacement, highlighting the poor condition of the aging infrastructure.
There is no shortage of industry patrons who’ve been impacted by Dan Holohan — manufacturers, reps, plumbers, and fellow writers alike. His love for teaching, writing, giving back and just undeniable kindness have left a mark.
This month, we cover team trap maintenance for low-pressure heating systems. Steam traps are typically found in schools, apartment houses, churches, light commercial buildings, and very large homes as well.
Frozen steam coils always seem to happen at the worst of times, don’t they? You’re busy because it’s cold enough to freeze coils. The place with the frozen coil contains people who are doing things that are so important they can’t possibly be without that particular coil. Not even for a minute. They’re on the phone, and they’re not being reasonable.
In March 2010, a nine-month-old boy rolled off his sister’s bed in Jersey City, New Jersey, and got stuck between the bed and a cast-iron, steam radiator that was as hot as it’s supposed to be. The radiator delivered third-degree burns to the infant and left him with permanent scars.
A young guy who was about the size of Bruno Mars came to my seminar once, and we were chatting during a break. I asked him how long he had been in the business. It’s good to see young people getting involved.
How’s that for a title? I’ll give you the answer right up front: Everyone! And the best part is you don’t have to know what you’re doing; you just have to show up.