Edward Little High School in Auburn, Maine, utilizes an efficient radiant floor heating system designed by Harriman Associates, using lower temperature water and primarily geothermal energy for a comfortable, sun-like warmth.
In Ottawa, a homeowner's dream of a luxury clubhouse with an outdoor pool comes to life with True North Mechanical's innovative heating system, ensuring a perfect New Year’s Eve party despite the freezing temperatures.
The Z-one valve is a universal zone valve that can be used in a wide range of commercial and residential applications; from fan coils to baseboard, radiant to high rise, the Z-one can be used in both chilled or hot water and low-pressure steam applications.
More and more hydronic heating and cooling systems are being designed around air-to-water and water-to-water (geothermal) heat pumps. When the heating distribution system is extensively zoned, a buffer tank is typically installed between the heat pump and that distribution system.
The ZoneBraker touchscreen multi-zone snow melting controller allows for zoned control of a snow melting system, breaking total heating coverage into four separate zones.
The choice between ∆T and ∆P operation of a circulator has, at times, been the subject of rather “heated” debates. It’s almost as if a few Yankee fans are disputing superior pitching or batting performance with a few Red Sox fans. There appears to be some strong opinions involved.
A heating designer is asked to create a three zone radiant floor heating system using a 5-ton (60,000 Btu/h) geothermal heat pump as the primary heat source, and a mod/con boiler as the auxiliary heat source.