The two condensing wall hung boilers now offer a brand new user interface for an enhanced user experience and easier set-up and troubleshooting for the contractor.
RBI has expanded the Torus line of watertube boilers and water heaters to include smaller sizes from 300 -1000 MBH. The full line is now available in sizes ranging from 300-4000 MBH making this unit ideal for a wider array of applications.
Given the current prices for fuel oil and propane, and current state and federal incentive programs, many homeowners are asking heating contractors to replace their aging boilers with a geothermal heat pump system.
Whether driven by rigorous state and local regulatory mandates, or simply the desire to live more sustainably, the demand for a smaller carbon footprint and greater energy efficiency is growing in both the residential and commercial building and renovation markets.
I have heating (plumbing, fire suppression, etc.) shops in New York and New Jersey. This is very much steam country, and we repair and replace steam boilers and systems all week long and have been for decades. All that is fine, but what I find incredibly odd is the polarized perception of the automatic water feeder.
Water-to-water heat pumps, supplied from geothermal earth loops, represent a growing sector of the hydronic heat source market. Most current-generation models can produce water temperatures up to about 125° F, perhaps a little higher if you’re willing to push the compressor operating envelope.
Most hydronic systems have the boiler running up to 180° F with water returning from the system at 160°. This rarely happens in real life, but it’s the traditional way we do things.