The market for wood-gasification boilers is growing in North America. Most are used in rural areas where natural gas in not available, and thus the cost of firewood is often very competitive against the alternatives of No. 2 fuel oil or propane.
John was a custodian for a local school district. We used to call him “20 Questions” because he would constantly ply us with questions about the boilers when we would perform the annual service. He would jokingly ask how many of the 20 questions he would have left.
I was chatting with an engineer the other day. She called to ask me some questions about old steam-heating systems, particularly those of the New York City variety.
The National Propane Gas Association, among other groups, has been pushing for a full fuel-cycle measure of energy consumption for appliances at the federal level.
August 15, 2013
The National Propane Gas Association, among other groups, has been pushing for a full-fuel-cycle measure of energy consumption for appliances at the federal level. FFC considers the energy consumed in extracting, processing and transporting primary fuels through its point of use.
A complaint building maintenance departments frequently hear is that the occupants are either too hot or too cold. In some instances, both complaints may come from the same room.
North American hydronic professionals can now choose from dozens of modulating/condensing (mod/con) boilers. Many are designed for wall-mounting. Those who design these boilers strive for small enclosures and low weight.