Designed for installation inside the shower, the advanced yet user-friendly TSC-450 offers a high-contrast display of ad-justable settings for all Total Sense functions as well as for temperature and duration.
General Tools & Instruments new PREDATOR series of thermal imaging cameras can detect small temperature differ-ences from a distance by converting an object’s invisible infrared radiation to a visible color image
Ferrous oxide can cause problems in hydronic systems when fine ferrous particles become attracted to the permanent magnets common in today’s high-efficiency circulator motors
Among heat pump water heaters, the Stiebel Eltron Accelera 300 has the largest capacity (80 gal.), highest energy factor (2.51), lowest power input (2.2 kW) and lowest power consumption
Taco’s Viridian is an ECM motor-driven wet-rotor pump that offers an 80% decrease in energy consumption compared to a standard commercial pump of the same size.