For a $200 to $400 investment, a home owner or business owner can save $844 to $1,344 in 10 years in water savings alone. Energy and utility savings are additional and larger. At the same time, users can enjoy hot-water comfort at every faucet without the wait.
Unlike their traditional storage tank-based counterparts, tankless water heaters are capable of providing a constant flow of hot water on-demand. The concept is relatively simple: The heaters function by coupling a modulating burner with a high-efficiency heat exchanger.
The IntelliStation Jr. is self-balancing, which prevents overnight temperature creep by balancing the hot water distribution system during low- to no-demand periods.
Sales growth for the company in the first quarter of 2019 was in large part the product of the harsher than normal winter which held much of the United States and Canada in its grip. While this may have dampened the level of remodeling activity that was projected to some degree, it also had a causal and positive impact on sales of our snow melting products, reports WarmlyYours.