Viola, who previously served on the WPC executive board as deputy chair, carries nearly 30 years of senior management experience within the plumbing and mechanical industry.
This annual event features keynote speakers, workshops, breakout seminars and top industry exhibitors where contractors can learn new ideas and share best practices.
PPFA is a voluntary, non-profit organization of North PPFA companies primarily engaged in the manufacture of plastic pipe and fittings for plumbing and piping applications typically installed on the building premises.
Scorpion's AI Chat incorporates industry- and business-specific knowledge into each chat response, creating a personalized experience for every new conversation.
Plumbing & Mechanical and PM Engineer Chief Editor Nicole Krawcke sits down with Legionella expert Dr. Janet Stout, PhD, to discuss best practice strategies in the plumbing industry for implementing risk assessments and Water Management Programs.