The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized its first two-time WaterSense Sustained Excellence Award winner, Kohler Co., along with nine Partners of the Year and five Excellence Award winners, at the WaterSmart Innovations Conference in Las Vegas.
The Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association announced that Lasco Fittings is certified to PPFA's Sustainable Manufacturing Conformity Assessment Program for Plastic Piping Components.
ClimateMaster’s Tranquility Vertical Stack Series ducted heat pump unit, available in 3/4- to 3-ton capacities, features top supply air discharge openings.
For kitchens generating 150,000 to 14,000 lb. of food waste daily, EnviroPure organic food waste disposal systems from T&S Brass are self-contained, continual-feed, fully customizable machines that convert organic food waste.