I woke up recently to the announcement that the State of Illinois is mandating that every school’s water must be tested for lead. This is new legislation that just passed.
Have a look at the rating tables for most finned-tube baseboard sold in North America and chances are you’ll see a footnote under the table that reads something like this: “Ratings are based on active fin length and include 15% heating effect factor.”
I grew up in my family’s plumbing, heating, and cooling company, and among my earliest memories are those of my dad getting calls in the middle of the night from people with heating emergencies — a homeowner whose furnace had quit or a bakery where they needed the steam from the boilers for their baking.
There are hydronic design concepts in which flow must pass backward through a non-operating circulator, perhaps thousands of times over the life of the system.
When the broad U.S. stock market set new records in the wake of President Trump’s election on Nov. 8, 2016, it went against the so-called experts’ predictions, which expected just the opposite.