I’ve always liked the month of January because it brings a fresh start to a new year. This time of year is filled with hope and optimism for a better year than the previous one.
As we move into a new decade, most of us are focused on how to continue to grow our companies, implement new strategies and ideas, and stay ahead in an ever-changing world of technology and innovation.
As I sit here writing this column, the holiday season is in full swing. Where I come from, that means not only celebrating the holidays, but also six family birthdays — including my own.
It is harder than ever to recruit plumbers, which is why you need to pay extra attention to your recruiting brochure. You do have a recruiting brochure, right? No? Well, here is why you need one and the eight things to include.
For you younger tradesfolk who have entered into a mechanical career within the past 20 years, you may never have encountered PB (polybutylene) tubing and fittings.