We’ve all seen the headlines about great CEOs, celebrities, sports icons and various recognizable people regarding the lasting impacts they’ve had on our society. There’s no doubt that Michael Jordan will long be remembered for how much he helped shape a new style of professional basketball which incorporated some smaller and faster players.
This month, let’s get some clarity for you and your team regarding a topic that can greatly impact your sales, customer service and profitability: being an expert.
In the Chapman household, we do our best to eat a healthy, sensible diet the majority of the time. One of the ways we accomplish this is by scrutinizing the ingredient labels on all the food we purchase (thanks to my wife, Christy). As I’ve come to learn, one ingredient we do our best to avoid is high-fructose corn syrup.
One of my all-time favorite sushi bars was called Tuna Town, located in Huntington Beach, Calif. We all have favorite places for various reasons and Tuna Town certainly had sentimental value for me, as well as fresh fish, awesome décor and good music (usually playing just slightly too loud).
Recently I released one of my online technician training videos about how technicians can actually turn good communication skills into sales and profit for the company. Communication is a topic that gets talked about in a broad scope in our industry, but is seldom broken down into how critically important effective communication is to our overall success.
I am amazed by how many of my fellow contractors are in a constant state of complaining about their technicians: “I can’t get them to do this. They won’t do that. Why don’t they understand?
We find that many managers fail miserably when it comes to properly educating their teams on the reason, or the why, behind selling processes and strategies.
Recently I found myself in Virginia immersed in a week of training for an incredible service company. This company has an unbelievable culture and still has some great opportunity for improvement. (Don’t we all?)