What is the most difficult conversation most of your front line team members have with your prospects and clients? Price. What is the number one objection your sales team shares with you regarding why they don’t close more of their opportunities? Price. What is the one psychological blocker that must be addressed before any sale can be made?
I’ve been discussing with clients lately about scaling/growing their companies, and they fear that it will just be more stressful and possibly put a damper on their lifestyle and personal freedom.
You’ve probably heard a lot about mission and vision statements if you’ve ever listened to business podcasts, taken a class or read about entrepreneurship.
Accountability is an interesting word. On one hand, it has a positive connotation as something that helps grow a thriving company, but it can also have a negative connotation. It can be associated with blame, punishment and negative consequences.
In March, the Lovely Christy and I joined our friends from Service Roundtable in Frankfurt, Germany, for the massive ISH trade fair. With more than 2,500 exhibitors focused on sustainability, cutting-edge design trends, and technological innovations, it was a mind-expanding experience, to say the least.
When I say “the lack of training and systems can be disastrous,” it might sound a bit dramatic to you. I can assure you, however, that the quality of your training and systems can truly make or break your business, your reputation, the level of service you offer, safety on the job and your overall profitability.
Price is a topic everyone wants to discuss and everyone has an opinion about, and you are probably wondering why I am even implying there is a circumstance when price doesn’t matter. Before you start thinking I’m crazy, let me explain.
I hope 2019 is off to a great start for you and your company. Regardless whether it’s going the way you want it to or not, I want you to think about what it would truly take to make the rest of 2019 the best year of your life. And as you examine that, don’t just think about how you are going to make that happen — think about who will help you get there.