Warmup’s 3iE is a fully interactive thermostat with touch technology and energy monitoring for radiant heating that learns from the user’s programming changes and temperature selections.
April 17, 2014
The thermostat can be used as a floor-temperature sensor, an air-temperature sensor or both. It automatically adjusts to changing external conditions to give optimal start-up times so there is no wasted energy.
Geberit’s Monolith, as detailed in this brochure, has a modular structure made of high-quality materials, such as safety glass and brushed metal, and is available in black or white.
March 17, 2014
Geberit’s Monolith, as detailed in this brochure, has a modular structure made of high-quality materials, such as safety glass and brushed metal, and is available in black or white.
The MagnaTherm from Laars is a 95% thermal efficiency modulating-condensing boiler or volume water heater available in 2 million, 3 million and 4 million Btu/hr. sizes.
March 17, 2014
It features a VARI-PRIME pump control that matches boiler firing rate to pump flow. Its on-board control functionality balances combustion, air flow and water flow to optimize boiler efficiency.