Triangle Tube’s Instinct stainless-steel fire tube heat exchanger is manufactured and produced to the highest quality standards to ensure reliability, the company says.
This month, while Americans everywhere celebrate Independence Day, the Plumbing & Mechanical team decided to highlight some of the many plumbing products made in the USA.
The 16-page guide includes sections on how to select the appropriate tether, how to attach tools that lack attachment points, plus many of the company’s new ergonomic ANSI 121-compliant tethering products.
The IntelliStation Jr. is self-balancing, which prevents overnight temperature creep by balancing the hot water distribution system during low- to no-demand periods.
Sales growth for the company in the first quarter of 2019 was in large part the product of the harsher than normal winter which held much of the United States and Canada in its grip. While this may have dampened the level of remodeling activity that was projected to some degree, it also had a causal and positive impact on sales of our snow melting products, reports WarmlyYours.