Every plumbing contractor has to start thinking about green building and green plumbing. While the green building movement is politically correct, it can also be pragmatic when you think in terms of our children's future.
"A promise which the promissor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance of a definite and substantial character on the part of the promissee (the one to whom the promise is made) and which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise."
Referrals can be the cheapest form of advertising. They can also be the most expensive form of advertising. Why? When you do a good job, a few people may talk about it to their friends, relatives, and neighbors.
The ability of a plumbing company to offer a full range of services to customers means a stronger bottom line for your firm and more repeat business from satisfied customers.
As most of you probably know, any time a party files for bankruptcy protection, there is an automatic stay against commencement or prosecution of actions against the bankrupt and the assets of the bankrupt.
When off-site employees specially produce fabrication or prefabricated products for use in a public works project, should they be paid prevailing wages? In California, the answer is yes.
In April, Robert C. Richey resigned from his position as chief operating officer of American Plumbing & Mechanical Inc. and also walked away from the company he had built for 25 years.