Join me as I explore the journey of plumbing from ancient practices to modern systems, all while uncovering the challenges of integrating sanitation into historic structures like Edinburgh Castle.
As design engineers, we frequently use systems requiring pressure regulation. A regulator, as defined by the ASPE Plumbing Dictionary, reduces variable inlet pressure to a stable outlet pressure under changing flow conditions. It maintains a uniform gas pressure lower than the supply pressure. Essentially, a regulator ensures consistent downstream pressure from a variable upstream pressure.
Plumbing involves providing clean water, managing wastewater, and ensuring water quality for safe use. It also includes handling various other systems such as gas distribution, drainage, and laboratory systems.
The author reflects on a recent trip to South America and Antarctica and discusses the topic of identifying back-feed potentials within domestic hot water risers, drawing from an article by Miles Ryan, PE, about typical issues found in high-rise residential buildings.
Introducing Safe Shower's new showerhead that minimizes the growth of biofilm and pathogens like Legionella. The showerhead circulates disinfectants like chlorine or UV water and uses UVC LED disinfectant approach that generates electricity using a tiny turbine.
What do the 3-model codes, UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code), IPC (International Plumbing Code) and NSPC (National Standard Plumbing Code), have to say on the subject?
Mechanical engineering is an integral part of both HVACR (Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration) and plumbing. While both disciplines utilize the same science and engineering principles, their application diverges depending on the system under consideration. A prime example of this is the “wet” piping system that moves water through the piping network.
Codes and standards are intended to provide a minimum level of protection for the public’s health, safety and welfare. And, generally, these documents accomplish that intended purpose in the urban/metropolitan areas of the United States. However, that may not be accurate when one gets into the rural or more isolated areas of the country.