We are proud to present this fifth and final edition in the "Siggy" eBook series specifically for the hydronics market. Brought to you by Plumbing & Mechanical, PM Engineer and Supply House Times, this FREE eBook is a collection of columns and articles from John Siegenthaler, P.E., a well-respected hydronics expert.
This was quite a year for me on the home front. On fairly short notice, my wife and I found out that our daughter Heidi and her husband Andy would be building a house about 500 feet down the road from us.
An installer is asked to connect an old (but still working) propane-fueled cast-iron boiler, which was salvaged from another project, to a slab-on-grade floor heating system in a new workshop.
Because they generate heat intermittently, renewable energy heat sources such as solar thermal collectors and pellet boilers require thermal storage tanks. So do storage-based systems using off-peak electricity, or micro combined heat and power (MCHP) generation.