When property owners need restroom or kitchen facilities in areas without existing plumbing, they often face the challenge of expensive and disruptive work to create below-floor drainage that usually requires breaking through concrete, which is messy, noisy, and costly. This high cost may lead clients to reconsider their projects altogether. For trade professionals, navigating concrete obstacles is just another day at the office. Yet, for others, it might be less welcome.
Corrosive liquids can harm DWV piping systems not designed for chemicals. The IPC requires dilution, neutralization, or treatment of chemical waste before discharge. Vents must also use rated piping to avoid harm from vapors.
Have you heard of terms like "circular economy" or "EPR"? They describe regulations aimed at reducing packaging waste and promoting recycling. Let's explore California's draft regulation for implementing the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act.
Water scarcity is forcing state and local governments to rethink water usage.
February 8, 2024
Water scarcity is a growing issue globally. Some regions are adopting water reuse and rainwater capture solutions. Onsite water reuse can help save money, reduce water demands, and manage stormwater flows. With onsite water reuse, you can reuse up to 95% of a building's wastewater.
Other partners include the World Health Organization (WHO) and DigDeep, with whom IAPMO partners regularly to educate the public and improve sanitary conditions and access to drinking water.
Newsweek selected and ranked America’s Most Trustworthy Companies based on three key performance pillars: customer trust, investor trust and employee trust.