Washtenaw Community College (WCC) welcomed a record United Association contingent of approximately 3,000 union plumbers and pipefitters for the UA’s annual Instructor Training Program Aug. 13-19. The week includes classroom instruction, an International Apprentice Contest, certification exams and demonstrations and a graduation ceremony in which 154 will be honored for their completion of the certificate program and an additional 40 will earn associate degrees from WCC. Photos by Nicole Krawcke/Plumbing & Mechanical.
A look at one of many United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States (UA) trailers set up at the 68th annual Instructor Training Program at Washtenaw Community College (WCC) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
A look at one of many United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States (UA) trailers set up at the 68th annual Instructor Training Program at Washtenaw Community College (WCC) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Viega was one of several manufacturers present during Industry Day, held Wednesday, Aug. 17 at WCC in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Viega reps discuss Pro Press during Industry Day, held Wednesday, Aug. 17 at WCC in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Attendees register for Industry Day during the UA’s 68th annual Instructor Training Program.
UA Director of Education and Training Jim Pavesic welcomes attendees to Industry Day during the UA’s 68th annual Instructor Training Program.
Four countries — United States, Canada, Ireland and Australia — participated in the 68th annual UA Instructor Training Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
UA General President Mark McManus addresses audience members during the UA’s 68th annual Instructor Training Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
MCAA President Bob Bolton addresses audience members during the UA’s 68th annual Instructor Training Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
WCC President Dr. Rose Bellanca thanks UA leadership for the long partnership between the UA and WCC.
Australia’s Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union Secretary Earl Setches jokes that the Australians call the annual UA Instructor Training Program “Disneyland for plumbers and pipefitters.”
Eric Bolin (left) and Greg Crumpton (right) of Service Logic pose for a photo on Industry Day during the 68th annual UA Instructor Training Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Apprentice contestants took part in a wide variety of events housed throughout the WCC campus.
As part of the 68th annual UA Instructor Training Program, competition was constantly taking place at the UA Great Lakes Regional Training Center.
Plumbers, pipefitters and welders could all be found hard at work during the International Apprentice Contest.
Apprentice contestants took part in a wide variety of events housed throughout the WCC campus.
As part of the 68th annual UA Instructor Training Program, competition was constantly taking place at the UA Great Lakes Regional Training Center.
Apprentice contestants took part in a wide variety of events housed throughout the WCC campus.
Plumbers, pipefitters and welders could all be found hard at work during the International Apprentice Contest.
As part of the 68th annual UA Instructor Training Program, competition was constantly taking place at the UA Great Lakes Regional Training Center.
Apprentice contestants took part in a wide variety of events housed throughout the WCC campus.
Plumbers, pipefitters and welders could all be found hard at work during the International Apprentice Contest.
Apprentice contestants took part in a wide variety of events housed throughout the WCC campus.
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