As electronics continue to become smaller, faster, and more affordable, more and more contractors are investing in fleet-management solutions that help reduce their technicians’ time on the road, improve productivity, save gas, and protect these major assets from misuse or theft. Read more stories in 2017 April Issue.
Jahnl joins a team of 39 dedicated coaches, trainers and support staff who work with plumbing, HVAC and electrical residential service contractors to help them improve their businesses.
The School of Better Heating training program is an annual series of comprehensive, personalized training seminars for plumbing and heating professionals.
The site,, is a one-stop shop where individuals may register for live classes, take online courses, and register for and attend webinars.
Ranger Design is pleased to present a check for $100,000 to the Montreal Neurological Institute to help them launch their new Neuro-Palliative Care program.
Manuel Lopez, owner of Conquistador Plumbing in Lubbock, Texas, is the winner of the first Harley of a random draw in the Cruisin’ with Armstrong promotion.
Others operate on the forefront of innovation, constantly seeking to apply the latest solutions in an effort to deliver greater value to their customers.