Sometimes plumbing contractors struggle with social media. What do you post? 

It’s okay to post promotional information, but that should not be all you post.  This is “social” media. The idea is to engage. A good practice is to create a social media calendar and fill-in what you want to post about in advance. Here are 29 ideas. Choose from the following, and post either photos or videos.


1. Job opening: When you have an opportunity, post it. Some plumbing companies are constantly recruiting, so that can be worked in to the schedule on a regular basis. The post should highlight the benefits of working at the company, while also stressing the qualifications in such a manner that they show the company in a positive light. End the post by asking, “Know anyone who would fit?”

2. New hire: When you get a new hire, post about a welcome message. Stress the background, qualifications and something personal to humanize the individual. Ask something along the lines of, “If this person came to your home, what would you like him to know?”

3. Focus on employees: Profile smiling, happy humans who are on your team. Post about things they do unrelated to work. The idea is to find ways for people to connect. If, for example, one of your plumbers is an avid fisherman, note where he likes to fish. Then ask, “What is your favorite place to fish?”

4. New products: When you offer a new product, take a picture of it and describe why people should want one. Ask, “Who wants one of these?”

5. New service area: When you expand into a new town or simply a new service area, announce it.  Ask, “Know anyone in the new area who should use us?”

6. Warnings and cautions: Come up with helpful advice for homeowners, such as winter freeze warning. Ask, “Have you weatherized your outside faucets?”

7. Opportunities to save: Share ways consumers can save money by reducing water usage or hot water usage.  Ask, “What other ways do you think you can save?”

8. Green products: Products that reduce water usage are inherently “green.”  Present them in that light and ask, “What other ways can we protect the environment?”

9. Green practices: Describe something the company does that can be labeled as a green practice. It could be recycling. It could be installing LED lights in the company building. Ask, “What else can we do to help the environment?”

10. Notable work: If you do work at an architecturally significant home, get permission from the homeowner to post about it. Ask a question related to the work.

11. Promote a local restaurant: With COVID-19 restaurants have been hit hard. Promote the local restaurants you like, buy a gift card, and give to someone who posts something about the restaurant. Ask, “What’s your favorite dish from this restaurant? We will be mailing a gift card to this restaurant to one of the people who answer!”

12. Employees’ pets: Everyone likes pets. Encourage your employees to take pictures of their pets that you can share on social media.  Always end the post by asking a question about the pet.

13. Employees’ kids: People like kids too. Let your employees brag about their kids and their achievements. Post these. Ask, “What do you think of…?”

14. Coupons and flash sales: One of the reasons people follow companies on social media is the occasional coupon or sale. Every so often, hold a flash sale or post a time limited coupon. Ask, “Who wants to take advantage of the special savings?”

15. Caption me pictures: Find an interesting picture of the office or of plumbing in general. Post it and ask people to caption it.

16. Hand shot: A popular social media theme is the hand shot, where you focus on something being held in one hand. Use this to feature a designer faucet. Or, simply take a picture of a clear glass of water, noting that it was purified through a multistage water purification system. Ask, “What would you be able to afford if you no longer felt the need to buy bottled water?”

17. Take a poll: Everyone likes polls. Think of poll questions you can ask. For example, “Should the toilet paper hang over the top of the roll or behind the roll?”

18. Ask a question: Similar to polls, think of questions you can ask. For example, show a wrapped Christmas present and ask, “What was your favorite childhood Christmas or Hannukah present?”

19. Favorite quote: Do you have favorite quotes? Post them, but make sure they are uplifting and inspirational. Ask, “What’s your favorite quote?”

20. Local history: Post about your town’s history.  Ask a question related to the history.

21. Home shows: Someday, home shows will return. When you exhibit at one, post about it and invite people to come see you. If you receive free passes, ask, “Who wants a pass to attend?”

22. Milestones: When you achieve a company milestone, such as your nth customer served or nth water heater installed, post about it.  Ask a version of, “How long do you think it will take for us to reach the next milestone?”

23. Coloring contests: Coloring contests are good anytime, but especially when kids are stuck at home.  Post the page for people to download and hold a contest where you post the entries on social media. After each one, ask, “Who likes this entry?”

24. Recipes: Social media is filled with recipes. Why? Because people like them. Have a pot luck at the office where people bring recipes with their dishes. Take pictures and ask, “Who wants the recipe?

25. Customers and new water heaters: Well, this could be customers and any product installed. Note the installation. Ask, “Who wants a quote on one?”

26. Funny memes: Run an Internet search and you can find any number of plumbing memes. Just be careful that the funny meme you select does not denigrate the profession or the customer. Ask a question related to the meme.

27. Reasons to be grateful: This year, especially, we need to count our blessings. Post something you are grateful for. Ask, “What are you grateful for?”

28. Good news about the community: When something good happens in your local community, share the news.  Ask a relevant question. For example, if a local high school sports team wins a state championship and you post about it, ask, “What’s the next sport to win a championship and why?”

29. Reviews: Post a screen shot of a positive review. Ask, “What is your experience with us?”