The code development cycle for the 2027 National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) is open. I encourage your participation in the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the International Code Council (ICC) activities, as your involvement is vital for public health and safety. For guidance, feel free to call me at Regulosity. I look forward to seeing you at the next code hearing!
Appendix M of the IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code, or the Water Demand Calculator, was integrated into the California Plumbing Code on July 1. It provides a new method for sizing water pipes in residential buildings. For Villara Corp., a leading plumbing and HVAC contractor in Northern California, it remains business as usual, having used the calculator for over five years to construct over 5,000 single-family homes.
The IAPMO Water Demand Calculator has faced challenges due to exclusions from its documentation and calculations, causing difficulties for engineers in luxury apartment buildings.
The Water Demand Calculator consensus body members will assist IAPMO with the development of this new American National Standard and National Standard of Canada. Industry stakeholders — including installers, manufacturers, plumbing professionals, building owners and managers, engineers, AHJs, and the general public — are invited and encouraged to apply to participate.