RIDGID Close Quarters ASTM F1807 PEX crimp tools have handle openings up to 70% smaller than standard PEX crimp tools, which gives contractors the ability to maneuver more easily in tight spaces.
Dayton, Ohio-based WinWholesale Inc., PM’s 2012 Supply House Of The Year, recently obtained a majority interest in a new partnership with Columbus, Ohio-based Carr Supply and Carr Supply of Michigan, wholesale distributors of plumbing, HVAC supplies and equipment, and water well supplies.
The California Plumbing Code has approved PEX, and in response Uponor has launched its new www.CaliforniaPEX.com microsite to educate consumers and builders about the material’s benefits.
Many contractors in California are frustrated by continued resistance to the use of PEX piping. Despite a recent favorable court ruling, use of PEX in the state could still be up in the air. A look at both sides of the issue.