Historically specified and installed as radiant heating and cooling or snow- and ice-melting systems pipe, PEX is now trending as a viable hydronic distribution pipe for heating hot water and chilled water applications.
Opened in 2020, the new Wasilla police headquarters has the latest technology to supply heat and keep walkways free of ice — critical components where sub-zero temperatures and five feet of snow are common in the winter. Both the hydronic radiant heat system and the snow- and ice-melting (SIM) system consist of 5/8-inch diameter PEX barrier tubing installed in circuits in concrete slabs.
Through this program, professionals can build their knowledge base, collaborate with experts, and challenge traditional thought processes to effectively respond to issues impacting our industry.
Best practices for designing and installing PEX to leverage the benefits of installation efficiencies, job-site safety and profitability potential.
December 22, 2022
Most plumbing professionals in residential construction know PEX. They have either used it themselves or know other designers or installers that are using it. That’s because PEX is the piping product used in more new-home construction than copper and CPVC combined.
All three facilities will see expansions of their distribution yards and buildings. The new lines are expected to be operational beginning in late 2022, through to early 2024.
Over the past 60 years, plastic piping materials have evolved from a new alternative to the material of choice for building and construction applications such as hot- and cold-water plumbing distribution, fire protection and mechanical systems like hydronics and chilled water.
Joining Plumbing Manufacturers International at the start of 2022, Uponor North America is set to work alongside other PMI members to meet challenges relating to labor, supply chain, sustainability and more.