The course series is made up of three modules and qualifies for BPI continuing education credits.
March 31, 2014
Canada-based Blue House Energy recently launched its online course series, Building Science Basics, designed for tradespeople, contractors and builders who want to improve their knowledge of building science and energy efficiency, reports
The average home’s water leaks can account for more than 10,000 gal. wasted each year — the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. And 10% of homes have leaks that waste more than 90 gal. of water every day.
U.S. Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Stockton, Calif.) on Friday introduced legislation that would provide a tax credit toward the purchase of WaterSense-certified products.
Conference topics provide a comprehensive overview of high performance building design with a focus on strategies in several areas
February 25, 2014
Conference topics provide a comprehensive overview of high performance building design with a focus on strategies in several areas: building occupant behavior, new building technologies and indoor environmental quality.
BNP Plumbing Group Hydronics Editor and PM columnist John Siegenthaler talks wood-fired boilers and other renewable energy sources at two events in April.
February 25, 2014
BNP Plumbing Group Hydronics Editor and PM columnist John Siegenthaler talks wood-fired boilers and other renewable energy sources at two events in April.
Watts and SunTouch have contributed a wide range of products and solutions for the showcase home, including PEX pipe and fittings, and an electric floor-warming system.
February 25, 2014
Watts and SunTouch have contributed a wide range of products and solutions for the showcase home, including PEX pipe and fittings, and an electric floor-warming system.