Efficiency Toilets (HETs) are the next important wave in plumbing conservation
efforts for North America, according to a new white paper released by American
Standard Brands.
The Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit was recently
issued for an estimated 4,100 industrial facilities in 29 different sectors to
implement site-specific stormwater pollution prevention plans to protect water
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
recently reported on a commercial project in Roswell, Ga., that will utilize a
60,000-gallon cistern for rainwater collection.
More of the nation’s
apartments and condominiums are going green as multifamily builders and
developers respond to growing consumer interest in sustainable building
practices, according to a recent survey by the NAHB.
The Santa Fe home uses 80 percent less energy. It includes a
5,000-gallon rainwater collection system, and a solar system that provides hot
water and radiant heat.