We’ve all seen the headlines about great CEOs, celebrities, sports icons and various recognizable people regarding the lasting impacts they’ve had on our society. There’s no doubt that Michael Jordan will long be remembered for how much he helped shape a new style of professional basketball which incorporated some smaller and faster players.
You probably have heard the story about a former director of the U.S. Patent Office. In 1899, the story goes, he recommended closing the office because “everything that can be invented has been invented.”
While much of America’s future economic dynamism has been riveted on the overdue upgrading of the nation’s infrastructure (pipelines, bridges, dams, railroads and highways), little has been heard lately regarding commercial and industrial construction.
Three magical numbers: 20, 40, 60 years. But let’s start with 40. This year marks the 40th anniversary since the federal government issued the document, “America Burning.”
The market for wood-gasification boilers is growing in North America. Most are used in rural areas where natural gas in not available, and thus the cost of firewood is often very competitive against the alternatives of No. 2 fuel oil or propane.
Is it true that systems can make any company run better and be more profitable? Yes! Is it also true that systems can make it possible to run your company successfully without you having to ride to the rescue to save the day? Can you depend on great staff to overcome a lack of known and practiced policies and procedures? Yes
The three critical and costly items where contractors ask for help more than any others are Occupational Safety and Health Administration citations, personal injury and safety.
Was I ever really 14? Some may contend “you still are mentally,” but at least I’ve matured, you booger-eater. A while back, I went on an outing with my son and five Boy Scouts.
Our daughter, Colleen, born and raised on Long Island, now lives in a suburb of Boston with her husband, Adam. The town they live in is called Medford.