Explore key best practices for emergency eyewash and safety shower systems, highlighting compliance standards and design strategies to ensure effective safety measures in hazardous workplaces.
Bradley’s stainless steel enclosed safety shower model is ideal for indoor applications such as data centers, chip manufacturing and other high-tech facilities, laboratories, pharmaceutical and chemical processing facilities, and other clean room applications.
The Agnews Campus in the Santa Clara Unified School District worked with LPA Design Studios, a California-based integrated architectural and engineering design firm, to design the schools with a high-tech aesthetic.
The Mystix Steam System Transcendent Experience creates a holistic ambiance, combining all the benefits of the Brizo Elemental Experience. Brizo will be at KBIS booth N2037.
RainStick Shower co-founders Alisha McFetridge and Sean McFetridge share a longtime passion for water conservation. In 2019, the two began building the North American Market’s first water circulating shower. Supply House Times Chief Editor Natalie Forster sat down with Alisha McFetridge to dive into RainStick Shower’s backstory and plans for the future.