I frequently speak at college campuses and trade apprenticeships. Whether it be to future engineers or contractors, my technical talks typically end up covering non-technical content, specifically career development.
The list, which can be found in the winter issue of Inc. (on newsstands Dec. 29), recognizes small- and medium-size privately held American businesses that have had a superlative impact on their communities, their industries, the environment or society.
BNP Media, one of the country's leading B2B media companies, announced the launch of BNP Engage (www.bnpengage.com), a creative agency uniquely designed to serve B2B marketing needs.
“Because knowledge rapidly deteriorates unless it is used constantly, maintaining within an organization an activity that is used only intermittently guarantees incompetence,” said Peter Drucker.
Based on my years of operating, coaching and training in the in-home service industry, if I had to name the top five struggles contractors face, one of them would be failure to grow at the desired speed.