“American Plumber Stories,” a YouTube docuseries hosted by Craig Morgan, aims to promote plumbing as a career. Directed by Spencer Brown of Pfister, it has become a cultural symbol for the plumbing community, inspiring trade school teachers to incorporate it into their curriculum and receiving positive feedback for its impact.
Online reviews are essential for contractors, as low ratings can hinder local leads. To boost visibility, it's important not just to gather reviews but also to incorporate mini case studies into your marketing strategy.
NASCAR legend Ward Burton installed a Premier AL Smart Hybrid Electric Heat Pump Water Heater in his 1999 home, saving up to $300 monthly on electric bills. Homeowners can save 75% or more on energy costs with this unit.
We all know about pricing, right? Hopefully, we know the difference between markup and margin. We know how to calculate break even. Here are eight things you should know about the psychology of pricing.
If you treat a customer well, they will recommend your services to three others. However, if you treat a customer poorly and make them feel cheated, they will spend a lot of time spreading negative feedback, especially on social media.
Plumb Works Inc. in Atlanta, led by Jerome Sabol, is celebrated for its excellent service and strong community ties, earning it the title of Plumbing & Mechanical’s 2024 Residential Contractor of the Year.
Every day and event was designed to help owners in the trades make connections, learn how to take their businesses to the next level, and harness emerging technologies in the industry.